Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Christmas Calendar

December 24th.

Opened doors:
1. Holly - A daydreaming, slightly socially awcward over performer who ends up being diagnosed with obsessive behavior towards a former school football star and has to start seeing the shrink for it.
Iselinn - the only one who can truly challenge Nienninques lead as the most popular girl in school! But what must Iselinn do to win the hearts of everyone and the free shopping day at the mall?
Unna - The cheery little scout club member who specializes in first aid and baking girl scout cookies! Her methods of first aid might be questionable however, she has been seen carrying cables and car battery sometimes.
Mollrye - the coatch of the schools football team "The Knights of Lordaeron" Kate relays much on the teaching method of "Let them find their own groove"
Udine - The only one who actually works for her grades in the Science class! She easily exceeds high school study standards aaaand oversteps chemical safety regulations.
Duskie - An average nice scout guy who has taken the ancient physical initiation rite of the scouts and decided to meditate trough bear thinking. It means sleeping and eating.
7. Calahan -
Cal is said to own a magical ponytail that always grants him great success in the football field. Scully is the captain of the football team and a dagger in the hearts of the players of The Rose High school team Dead Roses.
8. Helmut - Helmut was just an ordinary student before a divine intervention happened: He had a vision of a guru who could teach him everything he ever needed to know about being cool. Now he has left a normal life behind and is on a mission: How to make Iselinn stop thinking he's just a 12 year old kid?
Alfos de Lerac - A defender of learning and education, the shining star on the stairs of the school, waiting for young candles to catch a bit of his light and carry it on. Some say Lordaeron High is nothing but sports high school anymore but Alfos thinks there's more and he will bring it out.
10. Dalian - Benedict
likes to hang around his old school because frankly, he was the best thing that happened in the history of Knights of Lordaeron. Being a living fooball legend it is his terrible fate to be tailed by fangirls continuously. But what can you do?
Vandyke - It's hard to see it trough all those tattoos, scars, anger management issues and general bad attitude, but Harmon actually has a heart of gold - as long as he gets his daily dose of punching stuff at the gym. (Additional characters: Langlam and Salogel)
12. Maxwell - The mysterious silent guy in the back of the class has definitely a strange aura around him. Almost as if he knew secrets no one else does. Perhaps that's why he is also called "guru" by those who have shared philosophical discussions with him.
Halfpint - Professor Halfpint is the the teacher of music and arts, especially skilled in German drinking songs. Some say he spent some wild years in his youth traveling around the world, tracking down dangerous animals just to pet them.
14. Kester - Professor Kester rules the science classes and laboratory with her iron fist, not often would you see someone so excited about potassium permanganate. Her methods are strict and no nonsense but perhaps because of that Lordaeron High attends science competitions every year with good scores.
Erethorn - The mr. nice guy who's always in time to school and would never skip a class or take part in any bad activities. Or would he? He seems a bit too nice... what is he hiding?
Roike - The withdrawing transfer student from the Rose High. The long lasting differences between the schools has left Roike in a bit of bad position in the new school but can he prove his worth in the football field?
Kimberley - The ever energetic scout-girl who has a special love in training domestic cats into useful tasks. Her cats even take care of the delivery of mail within the school campus but some say they also have security chores during night time.
Nienninque - the Cheerleader Captain and day dream girl for so many boys of the school. It's hard to beat her grace and style but could it be there's trouble headed her way? She will have to sharpen or at least add some durable top coat to her nails.
19. Ishsah - A short from the bottle labels ISopropylene - Hydroxide-Sulphuric Acid - and a bottle simply called "H", it seems like someone or something had caused a little chaos in the chemical room and come morning Ishsah was found. Nobody knows exactly what it is, but so far no harm has come to anyone.
Dr. Yamikalo - The expert in understanding juvenile hormone monsters hearts and minds such as the students in Lordaeron High. It can be difficult for the kids, she knows, but sometimes it's even harder for adults to express their true emotions.
21. Shizana - The troublemaker who hangs out with the equally troublemaking Harmon, spending their days skipping classes and being badass in the back of the class. Shizana has her eyes however on a cute, nice guy who sits in the front of the class. His name is Deprofundis but he probably hasn't even noticed her.
22. Duwal - Bonus character outside the original cast! Beren Duwal would make a very good addition to the Knights Football team however, beating the Rose High is not a simple task!
Lady Aeiira - The elusive leader and school principle who is often seen around, always felt in presence at least but nobody quite remembers her face or voice. But something is sure: she's always watching.

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